
Ear Infection – Risk Factors

Bottle feeding is a risk factor for acute otitis media. By breastfeeding mother passes immunity to the baby which helps prevent the infection.

The position of a breastfeeding baby is better than the position of a bottle-fed baby for the functioning of the Eustachian tube.

If there is no other option than bottle-feeding the child than it is much better to hold the baby during the process, rather than allowing it to lie down with the bottle.

Thus, it is important for the baby to not take the bottle to bed.

Another prominent risk factor is upper respiratory infections. As already mentioned, children that spend time in child centers, kindergartens, and similar are more exposed to these infections. More colds mean more possible ear infections.

Other Risk Factors are:

  • Changes in altitude or climate
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Recent illness or ear infection
  • Pacifier use
  • Genetic factors
  • Cold climate