A hearing disorder that affects the processing of auditory information within the brain. Auditory processing disorder is used as a general term for everything that is thought to affect this processing. Usually people who have a normal functioning outer, middle and inner ear but are unable to process the sounds the same way other people do. Auditory processing disorder is also known as central auditory processing disorder, or in short CAPD. It is one term used to define a variety of hearing disorders which affect the way our brain process audio information.This disorder is different than any hearing disability in that way in which people have normal peripheral hearing, meaning that their ear structure is completely healthy, but it is the way they process the sound that makes problems. Since they don’t process sound as other people they have difficulties in recognizing sounds, especially speech. The cause for this is located in the nervous system, like in the brain. Auditory processing disorder can affect both children and adults, and according to studies males tend to get this disorder twice as much than females. APD can be developed or acquired in some point of life. The reasons for it are various. For example, an ear infection, head injuries etc. With this other things can occur, such as sound localization, auditory discrimination etc.