Behind the ear hearing aids are equipped with an ear mold that fits inside the ear, while the rest of the aid sits behind the ear. Some of these behind the ear hearing aids have twin microphones, to switch between all around sound and a more directional setting that can help focus sound in louder places. These hearing aids are used for all kinds of hearing problems, from milder conditions to more sewer. They also come in various styles and sizes, depending of course from the size of ones ear. There are two types of behind the ear hearing aids. These are behind the ear with a closed fitting and behind the ear with an open fitting. Behind the ear with a closed fitting means that the fitted earmold which is attached to the hearing completely fills in the space of the outer ear and ear canal. They give more power and are easier to handle because they are bigger. It is shaped differently to fit each owner. The ear mold has a block which prevents acoustick feedback which is the whistling sound which is usually associated with hearing aids. Behind the ear with an open ending is a small tube which is placed inside of the earmold which coonects the hearing aid with the ear. This type of hearing aid is more comfortable and it helps avoiding the collection of moisture in the ear. The open fitting is available only for some types of hearing problems but they provide high quality and comfort.