Inflammation of the outer ear, mainly the ear canal. This condition is also known as external otitis, or simmer’s ear. In laic terms, this condition is called earache. It usually starts as an mild infection and then grows, and therefore a severe pain is caused. The pain of earache is said to be one of the most severe pains a person can experience. Because the symptoms of external otitis give you the feeling that there is something in your ear, which makes you hear a little vague, or like you have water in your ears, some people try to clean their ears with different things, mostly with cotton cloths. When doing so, they just make the situation worse, and the pain more severe. The best thing to do, is not to touch anything and go to a doctro. Doctor usually gives antibiotics and some ear drops, and in just a day or two, the pain passes, and the hearing is almost back to normal.
One of the number one reason to get this conditition, is swimming in polluted water, but it can also happen after taking a shower especially in humid areas. There are two factors that need to be present for this condition to occur. These are: the presence of germs that affect the skin and impairments of the integrity of the skin. There are several ways to avoid getting the swimmer’s ear. One should avoid cleaning ears with cotton buds, because these are the number one reason for this condition. After a longer swim, one should dry their ears.