In this text, we will talk about hearing loss in manufacturing industries.
Researchers examined the results of 1.4 million audiograms from 2003 to 2012., and they found out that 13 percent of noise-exposed workers had some sort of hearing disorder.
The prevalence of deafness was highest within the:
- Mining – 17 %
- Construction – 16%
- Manufacturing – 14%
Besides that, the prevalence and severity of hearing disorder increased with aging, and men were twice as likely as women to suffer the hearing disorder.
Statistics show that work-related deafness is the commonest occupational illness.
Most work-related deafness gradually occurs in the first ten years of employment in the manufacturing environment. That means that a lot of new employees won’t even consider protecting their hearing until someone requires them to. Because the damage is completed gradually over time, the worker won’t notice a drag, and then it is too late for methods of prevention.
Even, when the producing plant takes the required steps to manage out the noise, hearing protection like Custom Protect Ear’s dB Blockers remains required to stop noise-induced deafness. Therefore, if companies and all industries are providing hearing protection, why we still have the problem with hearing loss?
Permanent Hearing loss
Hearing loss tends to occur only after an extended period, so it is often quite hard to identify it on time.
Warning signs may include:
- Struggling to follow conversations, especially if there is ground noise.
- You will have some difficulties during the phone call.
- Complaints that you have the TV and therefore the radio on too loud.
- Constant ringing or buzzing in your ears.
- The muffled hearing at the top of the day.
- Being unable to listen to through one or both ears.
Manufacturing Statistic
Noise Exposure and Hearing Protection:
- About 46% of all workers in Manufacturing are exposed to hazardous noise.
- 24% of manufacturing industry workers report not wearing any hearing.

Source: Unsplash
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus in manufacturing industries
- Almost 18% of all Manufacturing Industries workers have hearing difficulty.
- 11% of all Manufacturing Industries workers have tinnitus.
- 20% of noise-exposed tested Manufacturing workers have a cloth hearing disorder. The hearing disorder is deafness that affects day-to-day activities.
- 14% of noise-exposed tested Manufacturing workers have a hearing disorder in both ears.
Trends in Hearing Loss of manufacturing industry workers (1981-2010)
- The prevalence for Manufacturing increased 1% over 30 years (1981-2010) as compared with a 1% reduction for all industries.
- The occurrence for Manufacturing reduced 2% over 25 years (1986-2010) as compared with a 2% reduction for all industries.
- The attuned risk for Manufacturing reduced 46% over 25 years (1986-2010) as compared with a 46% reduction for all industries.
Protect Your Rights and Claim Your Workers’ Compensation Payout!
In the world, millions of workers suffer from injuries or tragic ending in their workplace for years. Thankfully, the worker’s compensation insurance is covering most of them. Worker’s compensation insurance pays for medical treatment and some of the lost wages to an injured worker.
State laws require most employers to take care of worker’s compensation coverage for on-the-job injuries and occupational illness. Worker’s compensation may be a no-fault system, designed to provide benefits to employees while they are protecting employers from lawsuits.
Avoiding the court system we can streamline the compensation process. The trade-offs are the injured workers, who are giving up the proper to claim their employer. Because of that, they will not receive full lost wages. Also, these workers cannot be compensated for their pain and suffering.
If you got injuries at work, you deserve the maximum amount of compensation. Unfortunately, there are many pitfalls that you need to avoid, while you are filing a worker’s compensation claim.
Your basic concern after a workplace injury should be your health in the first place. You need to go and get medical treatment as soon as you face an injury. Do not let your employer or the worker’s compensation insurance firm limit your benefits or deny your injury claim.
Information may be a powerful tool in the world of insurance claims and litigation. “How to form a claim” which will help you to get the information.

Source: Unsplash
How to Make a Claim
Deafness can be natural. In some ways, it can be a part of aging. But, if you damaged your hearing loss, because of unsafe levels of noise at your work, you’ll be qualified for compensation.
Since 1963, employers are conscious of the risks, and often, there is no excuse for causing workers to suffer injury through exposure to excessive noise.
To claim compensation for permanent impairment supported deafness, you need to provide the employer or insurer with a completed permanent impairment claim form, or if you are an exempt worker, an exempt claimant permanent impairment form. You will also get to provide an ENT assessment.